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Connaissez-vous Delta Green ?

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Y a aussi des 8) ?


--- Citation de: FdB le 01 octobre 2022, 18:57:36 ---Y a aussi des 8) ?

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Que veux-tu dire par là, FdB?

Il semble que le camping se soit rempli à toute vitesse !
Je vais memettre à la préparation, alors...

Pour vous mettre l'eau à la bouche, voici un extrait de la page d'introduction...

Sometimes even seeing the threat in a Delta Green operation is enough to annihilate a group of Agents.
So consider this overview a warning.
Delta Green is about fear.
It may seem to be about other things from time to time. About manipulation. About power. About control. It has all these things, but that’s not what it’s about.
It lies.
Delta Green is about an agent, alone and off the record, breaking into an old woman’s house in Brooklyn because, for a split-second, she cast the shadow of a hunched, monstrous thing with jaws like a jackal.
Delta Green is about two women who pulled off the heist of the Mayan Codex from the American Museum
of Natural History—an operation six months in the planning—only to burn it in a pyre of gasoline and wood in an abandoned field, mourning their lost teammates who it drove to madness.
Delta Green is about watching from the Blackhawk jumpseat as something bigger than the forest snatches your strike team’s helicopters from the air like flies.
Delta Green is not about guns.
Delta Green is not about a bug hunt.
Delta Green is not about understanding.
Delta Green is about the end.
The end of everything. Your family, everyone you know, your country, all life on Earth. It’s about the end of everything and your place in it. Because you’ll end, too. That’s what the fear is about. That’s what the game is about.
It’s not about winning and it’s not about advancement and it’s not about the best weapon or the most clever plan. Delta Green is about the end of everything—and how much of it you’ll live to see.
Vous êtes informés...

C’est la fin du monde !!

Le Vagabond:

--- Citation de: Zolomion le 02 octobre 2022, 16:54:36 ---Il semble que le camping se soit rempli à toute vitesse !
Je vais memettre à la préparation, alors...

Pour vous mettre l'eau à la bouche, voici un extrait de la page d'introduction...

Sometimes even seeing the threat in a Delta Green operation is enough to annihilate a group of Agents.
So consider this overview a warning.
Delta Green is about fear.
It may seem to be about other things from time to time. About manipulation. About power. About control. It has all these things, but that’s not what it’s about.
It lies.
Delta Green is about an agent, alone and off the record, breaking into an old woman’s house in Brooklyn because, for a split-second, she cast the shadow of a hunched, monstrous thing with jaws like a jackal.
Delta Green is about two women who pulled off the heist of the Mayan Codex from the American Museum
of Natural History—an operation six months in the planning—only to burn it in a pyre of gasoline and wood in an abandoned field, mourning their lost teammates who it drove to madness.
Delta Green is about watching from the Blackhawk jumpseat as something bigger than the forest snatches your strike team’s helicopters from the air like flies.
Delta Green is not about guns.
Delta Green is not about a bug hunt.
Delta Green is not about understanding.
Delta Green is about the end.
The end of everything. Your family, everyone you know, your country, all life on Earth. It’s about the end of everything and your place in it. Because you’ll end, too. That’s what the fear is about. That’s what the game is about.
It’s not about winning and it’s not about advancement and it’s not about the best weapon or the most clever plan. Delta Green is about the end of everything—and how much of it you’ll live to see.
Vous êtes informés...

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